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Exploring Buddha's Life Through Mayadevi's Vision at the Indian Museum, Kolkata

Writer's picture: Yash JegathesanYash Jegathesan

We know a lot about Buddha but how much do we know about the life of Mayadevi, birth mother of Gautama and her vision that she is about to receive Gautama as her son. Below is the dream of Mayadevi and its interpretation found at Loriyan Tangai in the area of Pakistan dated 2nd century C.E. Just pause and appreciate the intricacies of these life story.

Credit to archaeologists for these gem. Photos are from my journey to the Indian Museum, Kolkata. This museum have the most captivating sculptures. A visit to this museum is not to be missed if you are in Kolkata.

Indian Museum Kolkata
Life of Mayadevi

indian museum Kolkata
The first bath of Gautama

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Seated Buddha dated 2nd century C.E, Peshawar, Pakistan

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Buddha offering protection, Sarnath Uttar Pradesh dated 5th Century, made of sandstone.

Avalokitesvara, may manifest himself in many forms in different cultures as either male or female. In Tibet, he is known as Chenrezig. In China and Taiwan, has evolved as female deity Guanyin, as Natha Deviyo in Sri Lanka, Lokanatha in Myanmar to name a few differences. In Thailand and Cambodia, he is called as Lokesvara.

The name Avalokitesvara refers Ava as down, lokite meaning to observe, to look or to gaze, esvara as lord, ruler or master. Together it means lord or master who gazes down. Esvara having an influence of Hinduism for the term is more associated with Shiva. In Sanskrit, Avalokistesvara is referenced as Lokesvara meaning Lord of the World. The one whom have compassion over all humanity.

indian museum kolkata
Avalokitesvara dated 11th century C.E, Bihar

I went to Sarnath in 2022 but photos were prohibited in the Sarnath museum. Glad to see the Preaching Buddha at the Indian Museum, Kolkata. Look at the hand gesture/mudra. You may read my blog about Sarnath at my Knowledge Center.

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Preaching Buddha dated 5th century C.E, Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh

indian museum kolkata
Preaching Buddha archaeology information

Mahaparinirvana Buddha found in Dinajpur, West Bengal. Dinajpur was an ancient thriving city at that time.

indian museum kolkata
Mahaparinirvana dated 10th century C.E. made of basalt, Dinajpur, West Bengal

indian museum kolkata
Mahaparinirvana archaeology information

Life scenes of Buddha at Amaravati.

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Life scenes of Buddha at Amaravati, modern day Andhra Pradesh dated 2nd century C.E. made of limestone.

Marichi, Goddess of the Dawn, is revered as a warrior and powerful protector in the Buddhist tradition.

In Tibetan tradition, she is known as Oser Chenma meaning Goddess of the Great Light.

According to my research, Goddess Marichi protects human beings from physical harm and dangers. She removes doubts about faith into those who have lost their way and illuminates those who are searching for a spiritual awakening.

Marichi is associated or similar with Goddess Parvati’s incarnation, Goddess Durga in India.

Marichi is usually depicted sitting on a lotus, a boar, or a chariot drawn by seven wild boars or horses. In this sculpture, she is shown drawn by seven boars with many hands and tools/power.

This sculpture is displayed at the Indian museum, Kolkata and it is dated 9th century C.E. found in Bihar.

indian museum Kolkata
Goddess Marichi

indian museum kolkata
Goddess Marichi

indian museum kolkata
Goddess Marichi archaeology information

Note: All credit goes to the archaeologists for these gem. Photos are from my journey to the museum. Please give credit to the rightful owners if you are sharing this article.

Visit the museum for captivating moments that may take you back to your ancestors roots. Thank you for taking the time to go through this short article.


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